No goldfish were harmed here; they were set free after the party into my dad's Koi pond. Now they graze on algae in the free world.

I let Sunny have her sugary sweet cake, but ONLY because my cake lady made a 'baby cake' just for Sunny, even though I hadnt asked her too. I justified it by seeing the look on her face and knowing she wont get another taste until her 2nd birthday.

She rocked these Converse for awhile today, loving the pitter patter, running in her shoes up and down the sidewalk.
We're home! We are finally home in Sebastian, with zero intentions on leaving! At least not for a few more days. Is there anything better than your own home? We've been rolling around on the floor with Sunny and her new toys, watering and working in my gardens, no immediate plans to do ANYTHING. I've been in Yellow Party mode for months, so its nice to not be party planning. Except that thing called a wedding thats coming up in something like 80 days.... forgot about that.