Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Cards

I plan to gift these free holiday cards to my mom- there are 50 of them! (do we even know 50 families to send these to?) Shutterfly, for anyone who doesnt know, is an excellent resource for most of your photo-printing and photo-gift giving needs. We here at the Glig house make photo books of special events and send them to other Glig's across the world, as they cannot be here for all of our special events. I only do my printing of regular snapshots online as well. I gather up all my photos from the past few months (I just did this last week! I had to skip the Hawaii/Wedding photos, since who has the time to go through all those thousands of pictures???) and send them off to the printers! Shutterfly Fed'Exs them to you in snip-snappy time and then there you are, with hundreds of perfect prints to now organize in terms of how many months your child is... This ain't how your momma did it, but it sure is easy.

Here are a few samples of what Shutterfly has to offer this season:
· Christmas cards to http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-cards
· photo cards to http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery
· holiday cards to http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/holiday-cards


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