Wednesday, June 29, 2011

germany day 10

location: munich/berlin

again, back to the big city. we were up early thanks to the littles and were packed and ready to go. the flight was fine (trying to recall what even happened, i have no idea. i think i nursed lachy the entire time while reading the dragon tattoo book on my nook).

let me just first say that we were dropped off at a gorgeous hotel called park hotel blub. i dont know what a blub is, but this place was luxury, but i think anything is luxury when youve come from what we came from. mom and dad had their own room, jase and the kids and i had ours. as soon as the luggage was dropped off in our room i told everyone to GET OUT! i needed peace. with jason and the kids, as much peace as that is! sunny raided the mini bar and found peanuts. she sat next to lachlan on the bed as she ate them. then i saw lachlan wallowing something around in his mouth then promptly spit out a whole peanut with his tongue. *sigh. poor kid. well, he doesnt have a peanut allergy. or problems with choking.

i took the longest shower ever, after the hostel showers, munich, and the flight i needed it. i was refreshed when we took the kids over to their ur oma and ur opa's place (that means great grandparents). i took all of lachys bottles, sunnys cups, and milk pumping things to their house so i could wash everything in a real sink, with real sponges, and real soap. pathetic, huh? its the little things, and when they arent there....

we walked to oma and opas place; it is small and cozy. coffee was served with cakes and cookies (sweet stuff here like cookies, cakes, cereal is NOT SWEET at all! we must be used to sickly sweet stuff....), etc. sunny wasnt aloud to have any of it! she's had an upset tummy from all the crap she'd eaten so sugar was off limits. i heard a chocolate bar was the first thing shoved into her grubby hand when we arrived and jason had to take it away! haha, she had little dry flavorless bickies... but had enough fun and candy in germany to last a long time.

the house is full of photos of my family and theirs. sunny and lachy and jason are plastered all over the walls. i think i took a photo of this somewhere! it is more shrine-like than anything; they call it their gallery. and there is a huge section roped off for lachlan. says "reserved for locki" in german. oh, that reminds me, jasons family that we met at the monastery beer garden only would call the baby aleksandar! it was written on their gifts to lachy, they said it aloud, and when a stranger said Was hiesen sie? or whatever "What is his name?" is in german, she replied Aleksandar! it cracked me up. i like that name as well, or it wouldnt be his middle name...

so, near the great grandparents place and our hotel is a greek restaurant. we sat and ate. and ate, and ate. many courses of meals, sat around a family style table where we were all staring at each other. there were lots of promises to visit us in florida and it was sad to say goodbye to jasons grandparents. opa said he'd fly to sunnys wedding, and they dont travel by flying anymore. he said many speeches, but one quote he mentioned was that "...god gave us the time but he didnt tell us to hurry". i dont entirely understand it but it think its deep and meaningful. to those who do understand it.

my dad said a very nice speech as well, surprised us all. as jason says, "when john speaks you better listen". he said something to do with not wanting to leave, will come back, anyones welcome to visit, and thanks for everything jasons family has done for us. it was better than what i just summarized thats for sure.

jason got through his first day in germany where he didnt have any alcohol. he ate first and quick then took sunny off to the hotel alone for bed. i followed an hour later with lachlan and fell asleep in my room with the windows open and street noise coming in-- my last night in germany.

ps. many many family and friends asked about my business back home. i enjoyed everyones interest in it! thanks! here it is

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