location: berlin
fast forward one day from the plane ride... its sunday! happy fathers day!
we landed in berlin around 2a saturday night slash sunday morning FL time. the plane ride wasnt the logest we have done, but the longest we have done as a family of 4....! i had the pleasure of sitting next to a wunderbar german/american family who also had a one zear old girl. the father worked at a waldorf school in sarasota and the mom stayed home and made organic stuffed toys and cloths and silk play scarfs for her vegetarian baby. we all got along great! i wouldnt say the kids slept a lot but it couldve been worse. the waldorf dad commented on how much patience i have; i told him i was faking it.
we went straight to jasons familys home for breakie, it was 9a local time and surprisingly we made it through the meal without anz brekadowns from the kids or myself. we are exhausted. the grandparents, sunnys great grandparents, were supercute, wanted to hold Lachlan and wondered if they 'were doing it right'. oh and the convos were all in german.
there is a massive obvious age division here. the 'young people' talk in terms of themselves and the 'old people' and vise versa. the young people almost always also speak english, eat at different and cooler restaraunts, and shop at cooler stores, which is true of any place, but its just funny to watch the exchange between jasons mom and his younger cousin (rico) debate where to take us. for the record, he said to come to him for tips.
ps. if im typing weird, cuz i am, its this german keyboard! everythings different and i cant hardly capitolize anything... the y and z are switched as well...
after a full german breakie it was straight to the flat we rented for 5 nights. i am sitting in it right now having just arrived and it is SICK. open and breezy, white and clean and IKEAish. the owner is an architect so it has cool design. here are some views from the top: (the view is a cemetary! not at all creepy, very beautiful. inspiring, we all want to be buried in berlin now)
as soon as we walked up to the front door i almost got ran over by a turk on a bike. i was told he was both these things, him being on the bike being the obvious one i knew wihtout being told. my mom had literally just said she had already been warned about the bicyclists, then i blindly turned on the sidewalk into oncoming bike traffic; i hear a 5 second long brake screech... i am lucky to be in a whole piece. he almost took me completely out going at least 20mph. and the look of hatred on his face crossed cultures seamlessly... he silently loathed me. America:0 germany:1
bitching to jason and sunny about waking up for an hour just to walk a dodgy neighborhood in the rain for awhile wasnt worth it.
we did see a sweet playground that sunny wasnt brave enough to try anything and mz parents almost bought a beer at mcdonalds.
jason and sunny and lachlan had huge sleeps and thez arent doing so hot. well, lachy and i are functioning, jasona and sunny are slowly breaking down...
the fam is on their waz to our place to pick us up and take us to dunner. italiano. i hope thezre not expecting a warm reception. the gligs are not 100%
The best part of this is the mixing of z and y. It is keeping me on my toes. And the fact that you look like an expert with the Ergo--hope Lachy likes it.