Thursday, June 30, 2011

the new gligs

the gligs have big plans for our home life now that we are back. it feels like a new chapter in our lives- yes i'm being dramatic but remember, we had a baby followed by jasons parents for a month and then this 2 week germany trip- life has been abnormal for a long time! sunny needs boot camp and jason and i need fat camp.

first thing i've done is take all the sippy/straw cups out of the house, we are finished! sunny turned 2 over our holiday so its time for some new big girl stuff. i threw these into the trash bin. they were gross anyways.

potty training is the next endeavor. after we are settled that chair is coming out and i will try it hardcore and see what happens. if she isnt interested then i've decided we dont have to be pushy. i just feel she's ready and if she's not, its not a big deal to keep changing her diaper right there next to her brothers'. they are in the same sized diaper now anyways, by the way.... hehehe

jason and i have begun the transformation! we are on diets, excersize regiments, and whatever else we need to do to get back in shape. we are eating healthier (to our defense, i cook mostly healthy meals anyways. now we're even more strict- maybe no ice cream before bed?). we plan to bike and run with the kids when jason gets home from work, play tennis and golf and softball. we have leagues already set up for those activities that we've been involved with in the past so its not a huge jump to commit to just attending more often. jason has vowed off beer during the week. baby steps.

i am back to black. coffee, that is. when i'm pregnant i like to give myself a break and have coffee creamer. no more.

sunny has been eating more junk food the last 2 months to keep her happy than she ever has in her entire life. and her tummy hurts to prove it. we are also done with that crap. she's already devoured 5 meals worth of healthier food since we've been home. granola cereal, peaches, cranberries, rice, yogurt... its amazing what a kid will eat when she's actually hungry, too. she scarfed dinner tonight that consisted of meatloaf, potatoes, green beans and mushrooms.

she's also in glig boot camp. she developed a high pitched scream that gets under your skin and makes grandparents give in to whatever it is she's screaming about. it makes us give in too sometimes. i havent heard it lately so i might not have to do anything about this.

basically we're happy to be home and are ready to settle into a normal pace. a healthier one.

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