Sunday, May 6, 2012

Juice Fast Day 1

I've made it until noon on the first day! I feel great. Jason's not hungry. We are normal. This surprises me and I am soooo relieved. The days leading up to this were the worst part. Thinking I'd grieve my coffee or McDonalds or sweets. I am not grieving yet. Yet. We weighed ourselves at Publix, too.

I had the ingredients this morning for our starter meal--- carrots and romaine lettuce. I couldnt believe how much juice came out of the lettuce. I juiced the entire thing. It was a sweet drink and tasted of carrots only. Its color was yuck but it did the trick. No coffee required this morning.

On our way home from errands in town we stopped at the market. I bought something like 3 heads of romaine, 2 bags of beets, 6 bags of carrots, 7lbs of green apples, 3 stalks of celery, 6 cucumbers, and some more odds and ends. We are getting heaps of oranges later- we'd like a nice fresh oj in the morning.

We arent hungry. I know its soon, but its still the only mantra we keep saying aloud when we look at each other like ticking time bombs. Once you wrap your mind around an idea, a solid idea like no alcohol, no coffee, no food--- then its not so hard to resist it all.

Our afternoon meals consist of green juices-- lots of anything green I mentioned purchasing above, plus kale I already had. Its my fav so far. I made a huge jug of and that I put in the fridge. You're not supposed to wait too long to drink it. We're going to the Sebastian Inlet soon and I plan to take it in a cooler. A cooler that's only housed beers in the past  :)

And tonight we'll have a "dinner" juice-- tomatoes, peppers, even garlic and onion???? Will update you on that later. Wish us luck!

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