Friday, June 29, 2012

Project Preview

We had mates over! Just a casual Friday morning playdate party with the neighbor kids.

After a nap I let the Gligs destroy the driveway with paint.  I lined up several projects while they slept that I looked up on Pinterest. A footprint project, painting with golfballs, sidewalk chalk paint, and painting over sticker-letters that spell their name when you pull the stickers off later.

Here Lachlan has already tried to eat the paint. Notice his green foot. Now they think painting the bottoms of their feet is normal.

Spilling was the most exciting part. This stuff was just cornstarch and water and food coloring. Came right off everything. Was perfect for this young age (1 and 3).

Lachlan tries to paint with golfballs. Just wants to throw golfballs.
 Sunny liked this activity- might have to do some of these sans brother.

Jason thought we painted golfballs today.

Perfect ballerino in third position

Finished projects to follow....

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