Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hashtag Okeechobee Life

Very proud of herself! Loving baseball just like mommy!

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Tball buddies

Fielding practice at tball today
 This spring we enrolled Sunny into tee ball! She practices 3x a week with 2-4 games a month. Best part- my 2 friends kids' are on the same team.
breathing treatments for Lachy
Lachlan got bronchitis this year (Sunny wasnt so healthy herself! 2 weeks before this photo she had the flu, a cold, and 2 ear infections for 9 days! In fact, from what I know about bronchitis, Lachlan probably was infected from Sunny) It was actually pretty serious. He was struggling to breathe so we were rushed right back at the Dr's office for treatment and several aggressive meds... Trooper with his mask though! Hated it but did what we asked  :)

Dr's office isnt any fun.

#okeechobee #schoolDays
this is his personality. original!

I love taking pictures of the kids before school. They are happy at this time of day and not too dirty yet

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