Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lachlan's 3rd Birthday Festival

He takes his balloons to school, along with his blankie (as always)

I take the little toddler to see the firehouse for the first time

He's still talking about this!
 Get ready for weeks of Lachlan's 3rd birthday. It just went on forever in true Cook style. He had to have one at school before spring break kicked in, then the weekend before his bday was an adventure, then his birthday, then his birthday party was a week later! He just thought he got toys every day in March.

My clinicals for school got canceled this week, so lucky us I had lots of free time to take the kids a few places. We first went to Lion Country Safari and camped with my friend Jenalee & her family at the KOA. My kids love to eat and play outside so it was a blast. It was my first time to LCS actually...! I will be back, its was very cool.

Eating, eating, always eating

eating WHILE playing

nothing but trouble... cruising through the park looking at the animals

Perhaps not flattering.... but they'd rather sit here then go to the splashpad.

they finally join the normal people having a good time. They dont allow much water to touch them still.

they thought they were playing with the boats haha

i dont have time to edit my finger out of this frame. we take this pontoon boat tour 2x. very good!

this is where the sharing takes place

the simple life

smores of course that night!

I'm realizing my pictures arent that flattering! Lachy's smores

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