Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I made jam-filled cookies today- the shapes I used to cut these out were the square and the triangle from Sunny's shape-sorter toy (the circle was the rim of a glass, do I need cookie cutters?....) I thought it was pretty ingenious... And Sunny enjoyed eating them as much as I did.
Last weekend was my moms birthday. We went to Lake Placid and celebrated with our friends, who also has the same birthday. We've done this 2 years in a row now and I cant help but hope its a looooong tradition. It was hot and I got a nice tan. Sunny got slip/slap/slopped with suntan lotion 3x and doesnt have a bit of brown skin to show off. Perfectly white.

We might've gone out after this photo was shot:

We are going out to dinner tonight and I am psyched; its been months since we've had a date (if you consider dates to include your toddler, which we do). Sure I've eaten food outside of the house recently, but never on a weekday, when we're home, when there's a perfectly functional stove and thawed out piece of meat in the fridge. I wish we could eat at home- that would mean that I'm not sick. So... I'm sick. And I feel like crap and so does Sunny. Since she gave it to me, or we both caught 'this' at the same time, I imagine she hurts like me and I feel sorry for her. I am in no mood to cook and slave in the kitchen, so I'm twisting Jason's arm to take us to this yummy mexican place in town. We shouldnt go out, since I wont be able to enjoy all the spiceyness and Coronas that I deserve (I should be drinking broth for dinner instead), but I'm hoping, here. Currently my loves' are sleeping. Its almost 5p and I'm ready for chips and salsa! Wake up Gligs!

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