Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turtles Bunnies and Gligorovs

Nancy, my mom, and I made yummy yummy yummy jalapenos the other week after I found a recipe for one of our favorite pita-chip toppers. We tested them out today with hummus and pitas- extra hot and delish. Sweet. Just pretty much my fav right now.

A peaceful summer stroll across the street.

Daddy shows Sunny a gopher turtle who invaded our veggie garden and had to be rescued- turtles and bunnies are taking over Sebastian*

"There's the turtle"
We have a friend named Beau who turned -1- on Saturday
and we celebrated it on Sunday.
We partied like it was two thousand and nine.
She's practicing her hula skills for Hawaii.
The Gligs went with my parents to Amelia Island the last few days in July.
It was 102 degrees and my tan is looking good. Me 'n Jase Ferdandina Beach July 29 2010

Check it out, I'm wearing (who gave them to me to put on my blog... just kidding, this isnt that kind of blog. Yet.) I really am wearing them though! Love love love

Sunny cleared the kiddie pool when she splashed
in with these sunglasses.
A 3 year old screamed "I'm scared of her!"
about 10 times before we left, unimpressed.
To keep up with the times, I am announcing Sunny's new brother or sister in my blog. After Jenalee made me pee on this stick with her on the phone, this plus sign popped up. She said it was from all the praying she'd been doing. Jason and I were excited, shocked, and it hasnt really sunk in, not even when I post this a week later! I am only 6 weeks pregnant, so keep our little family in your thoughts.
I just couldnt wait to share the news ;)

[[[ I know, you're thinking "Bachelorette Party in August" and "Wedding in September" but sometimes life doesnt always go according to your big plans...Especially me and Jason's Life ]]]
"Count me in on the party, out on the alcohol!"

*Turtle, bunnies, & Gligorovs are taking over Sebastian.

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